Thursday, April 04, 2024 / 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Flutter Into Fun: Celebrate Arkansas' State Butterfly at Mount Magazine State Park

Meeting Place: Lodge
11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Admission: Free
Dive into the wonders of Arkansas’ threatened state butterfly: The Diana fritillary. Special guest Ms. Shawn Hunter, co-founder of The Diana Project, shares a 45-minute exploration of The Diana’s unique lifecycle and current challenges to it’s survival. After breaking for lunch, participants will learn about their role in The Diana's conservation with a 30-minute introduction to a free nature identification app, iNaturalist. Then, we will finish with an outdoor hike (weather permitting) putting your newfound tool into practice at beautiful Mount Magazine State Park. Please register by calling the Mount Magazine State Park Lodge, (479) 963-8502.